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Thursday, 31 May 2012

Previous results

The 2011 public examination results set new records at Dr Challoner’s. At A Level, a new record was set as 24% of the grades were A* grades, with over 58% being graded A* or A, and exceptionally 85.4% of entries being graded B or nearly a half of the year group (88 students) achieved at least three grade As, and the overall pass rate was 98.7% with 97% of students achieving at least 3 A-level passes. The average points score per student rose again to 460.
At GCSE, 100% of the boys in Year 11 obtained at least five A*-C grades including English and Maths, with 92% achieving 5 or more A*/A grades. Overall 79.8% of the grades were A* or A – a new record for the school, and one that placed us in the national league tables with much more selective schools. Twelve students achieved 11 or more A* grades. Two students were awarded a remarkable six A* grades.
The school was last inspected by OFSTED on 12th November 2007.  The report graded the school as "Outstanding" in every category.
Dr Challoner's has a strong reputation as one of the country's top performing schools. It was one of two schools named by the Department of Education  as the best performing schools nation-wide in the 2003 GCSEs and named the country's best grammar school in 2011. In the 2011 GCSEs, boys achieved a 100% pass rate with 50 of the 183 candidates earning all A*-A grades

Info for upcoming year 7

The school uniform consists of a blue blazer, black trousers, white shirt and a black and red tie with your house colour stripes on it.

Each year is split into 6 forms of 30 students.  Each form is composed of students from the same house.

History of DCGS

Dr Challoners Grammar School was founded in 1624
In 2002, Challoner's became one of the first Science Colleges in the United Kingdom
2007, Challoner's was designated as a 'high performing specialist' school and adopted Languages as its second specialism. In April 2009 a third specialism was added and Challoner’s became a Leading Edge School.


There are 2 sports halls with 5 changing rooms, a gym and a theory room.  In addition to these facilities, the school has 2 tennis courts, an astro turf and a field with access to Hervines Park.  The school can supply its students with all the top range equipment needed to play over 10 different sports.
At the end of each year, there is a sports day, in which Years 7-11 compete against other houses.  The results of this day contribute to the house competition.


The school has 8 science rooms in the science block, 2 music rooms, 1 with computers, 1 with key boards.  In the tower block, there are 9 maths rooms and 4 Language rooms, 1 of which has Computers.  In addition to these Language rooms, there are an additional 2 in a separate area of the school.  There are 3 IT rooms, 3 Art rooms, 3 Graphics rooms (2 with computers), 3 History rooms,  3 RS rooms, 3 Geography rooms (1 with a sandpit), 5 English rooms, a library, a cookery room  and many sports resources
are many resources for the science labs.  Every classroom has an interactive whiteboard, and there are several TV’s around the school to display information.
The canteen serves fresh and healthy hot meals every day, such as fish and chips and pasta.  It has been awarded the top hygiene rating. 

Enrichment day

The range of educational visits during Enrichment Day is genuinely exceptional
In Year 9, the whole year group spends a week away from Challoner’s taking part in a wide range fun of activities designed to contribute to their personal development. Students are able to choose what activity they wish to do for the week.  These choices can range from sailing trips, to trekking across the Atlas Mountains, to residential trips in Austria.
There is one Enrichment Day each term.
Enrichment days show students different ways of learning outside the classroom. Throughout the whole day, ideas and themes can be explored in depth and outside agencies can be brought in to provide quality support and students can work in less formal groupings such as across year-groups.
In past Enrichment days:
Year 7 learnt about the culture and history of China through music, language, art and food. The day culminated in a Chinese Dragon Dance.
Year 8 undertook a project entitled “Our World in 2050” which will see them exploring issues likely to cause significant infrastructure problems in the future in conjunction with the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
Year 9 linked up with schools in Ghana and Trinidad to learn about the history and impact of slavery in both countries.
Year 10 learnt the skills of video production and advertisement design.
Year 11 had time to consider revision and the forthcoming examination season.
Year 12 undertook a treasure hunt in London, exploring its history and national museum and library collections.
Year 13 had their own mini sports day.


DCGS has a long tradition of House Competitions
Upon entry to the school, students are allocated to one of six houses, Foxell, Holman, Newman, Pearson, Rayner and Thorne, all of which are named after previous headmasters.
There are a vast range of competitions that are contested during the course of the year with the winning house being presented with the House Shield. There are currently over 70 competitions annually, ranging from sports, drama and music to orienteering and code-breaking. It encourages participation from all members of each house and also gives significant opportunities for taking on responsibility with approximately 90 boys involved each year as Captains, Deputy Captains, Mentors or Representatives.

Extra Curicular and Educational Visits

At DCGS, there is a massive amount of extra curricula clubs and activities, totalling approximately  50 in total.  With this wide range of clubs, there is something for everyone.  Clubs range from Sport related activities to Problem solving clubs.
Day trips can include visits to Museums, Geography Field work etc.
Multiple days: Exchanges, History trips to France.
